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Thursday, December 8, 2011


If you were given a wish what would you be?
Would you wish for the Mountains or the Sea?
Would you wish for the Sky, or the Earth?
Would you whish for wings so you can Fly like a bird?
or would you wish for fins to Swim like a dolphin?
Would you wish for what you Already have or for what you Can't have?
Would you wish to breathe under the Waves, or to explore the voids of Space?
Would you wish to be a Wolf, silver as the moon?
or would you be a Lion, golden as the sun?
Would you become a Panther, black as the night?
or would you be a Doe, light and gentle as the day?
Would you wish for what you truly need, or for what you think you want?

Would you waste it like Most?
or use it like None?
Would you wish for what is Everything, and also Nothing?
Would you wish for what is the Sky but also the Sea?
Would you wish for what is the Moon, but is also the Sun?
Would you wish for what is Life, but also Death?
Would you wish for what you Do not Want, but Desperately Need?
Would you wish for what is Black, but is also White?

What would you wish?
a world were Peace can prevail?
or a world were War will concur?
Would you wish for what Doesn't exsist?
or for what Could exist?
Would you wish for what you Always wanted?
or for what you have Newly discovered?
would you wish to be loved by All?
or to be loved by just One?
would you wish for what Will be?
or for what Has been?
Would you wish to never Die?
or to never have Lived?
Would you wish to be Free and Wild?
or Safe and Domestic?

What would it be?
Would you wish for slips of green cotton Paper?
or for what is truly Valuable?
Would you wish for Gold and Silver?
or for something more Precious?
Would you wish for Jewls?
or something even more Spectacular?
Would you wish to be Rich?
or to be Poor?
Would you wish for what you truly want?
or for what you think you want?
Would you wish for what your Mind says you need?
or what your Heart knows is right?
What Would You Wish?

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