Welcome to The Carnivourus Herbivore!

Books, Stories, Life and More!

The "About" Page

Hello, my dear Humans. Welcome to The Carnivorous Herbivore. These are the Chronicles of an over imaginative Teenage Girl. I Am Bri π, your Host, a teen artist who is interested in musical theater, Manga, Doctor Who, animals, books, some video games, writing, Marvel, Latin, martial arts, weaponry, procrastinating, and several other things. I am Christan. I have a small Cat named Ten, who occasionally types up his own posts on my blog. I also have multiple pages of ridiculous content that you should definitely look at. I mostly write about my life, with the occasional poem, essay, book review, and Philosophical Epiphany's. I hope you enjoy your visit to The Carnivorous Herbivore. Enjoy