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Books, Stories, Life and More!

Friday, November 11, 2011

One did?

OK so I was writing my story for Nanowrimo, and I hit some button, I have no idea which. All of the sudden the words I was writing were at the bottom of every page. it was One did. I have no idea how to make it go away. I cant wright there normally, but i can't make it go away. the up side is it helped with my word count. :) Ugh now I keep trying to look for my word count for my post. I don't need a word count for my post!

 I need to wright more for my book, at this rate I'm going to get done by the fourth of December. Grrrrrr. I can't wright all that much now because i need to do stuff for when the people are coming over to night, and I didn't get to wright yesterday, I was really busy yesterday. I need to work more on my story.  I haven't got much time. I need to make the time. I need to go now. Bye Bri!

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