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Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's their world, too.

 If God gave us this world to take care of it, then we suck. If he gave it to us to mess it up then we are doing a really good job. I think people should stop thinking God will intervene with our pollution of the earth. I don't think so. I think when he said we were in charge of the land, sea, and beast's we should have taken him seriously. We have put our garbage in the soil, in the seas and rivers. We've poured our waste into the ocean. We have hunted numerous animals to extinction. We have even polluted the sky! You can't see the stars in the City and not in towns either. And sometimes in the City the air is poisonous! If we are masters of the earth then I think we should step up and do our duty. If one person can change the world, think what everyone else can do to.

 In the 1970s there were exactly fourteen red wolves in the world. fourteen. That is scary. We came so close to losing that beautiful canine forever because of hunting and habitat loss. Now there are two hundred of them in the wild.  That's not all we have done. Some animals were not as lucky as the red wolf. There are no pygmy rabbits. The last one died in 2008. In 1987 we lost the last dusky seaside sparrow to DDT poisoning. But there are so many other animals we can save. It might be too late for the pygmy rabbit, or the dusky seaside sparrow, but we can still save the California condor. There are three hundred thirty-six left in the wild. In the 1980s there were nine left in the wild. We can save the woodland caribou (forty). Any number of animals we can save from the pygmy rabbits fate if we just try. The Santa Catalina island fox (five hundred seventy-two), the Wolverine(three hundred), the Mount Graham red squirrel(three hundred), the whooping crane(five hundred fifty-two), the Mexican Grey wolf(three hundred twenty), and the masked bobwhite(seven hundred). Some of these animals are extinct in the wild and their only hope lies in the captive animals. If one can change the world, think what everyone else can do. I think we should start with the beasts.
(Information found in National Geographic magazine: January 2009 edition, article: Countdown to Extinction)

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