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Thursday, March 8, 2012


Ok, Math is driving me nuts. I can't concintrate, I can't concintrate. I CAN'T CONCINTRATE!!!!!!!!! I can not do this. I can do the practice, but the problem sets are pure stress and confusion. I hate math. It is so stress full!!! I AM FREAKING OUT!!!!!! I CAN'T DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What kind of problems are you trying to do? A while back, I was having a reeeeeeaaaaallly super hard and stressful time with math (I still don't like it,)but what happened was that I was just doing problems that were too hard for me right then. Try http://www.khanacademy.org/ This website has been really helpful in our math-doing. I hope stuff gets better for you!
    P.S. If I can do math, then you can. You're a genius!!!!

    1. I don't know about genius, But I already know about Khan Academy, my dad showed it to me. This particular panic attack, was ensued because Khan academy didn't have what I was doing in math. Normally math doesn't freak me out as bad because if i don't understand i can go to khan academy and get an answer there but It didn't have my thing so I was all alone in it.

  2. That's a shame, it's been pretty helpful with most stuff. Sometimes what Mom has us do is just take a break from math for a 1/2 an hour or an hour and try something else till you're ready to try math again (as long as we try again that day). Hope stuff works out better for you!

    1. Hope so, I still have a 1 1/3 lessons to do today. Blech. But normally it has what I need. Khan academy I mean. I have the play to night and i will NOT bring math with me.

  3. Good luck on your play! And, I hope Math gets better for you.
