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Monday, August 6, 2012

(Im)Patiently Waiting for Wednesday.

Wednesday is when we leave for Florida. I"m rather excited. Four day's at the beach, then four at Disney. Yay!! I hope they have Merida from "Brave" she is now my favorite princess. Mostly from the archery as I have an extreme obsession with archers. (I.G. Katniss, Legolas, Hawkeye, Susan, Merida, Etc.) I'm going to start doing archery, along with knife throwing. I'm gonna be one deadly girl. Moo Boy, and others like him, had better beware. ;)

This week I was hanging out with my cousins. we went shopping, a lot. But we had fun. They only left yesterday and I miss them. They only stay for a week and it is not enough time at all. My cousin Kevin is still here. He's four/five years older than me, but whatever. I also miss my best friends, Neg and Cookie.

It"s hard to believe that summer is almost over isn't it? I mean all of my summer was taken up with the play. So it feels like it went by really fast. It makes me kind of sad. I love summer, it's so warm and I can swim, and camp, and all that loveliness. But now i just have two weeks left. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I have to go, but I hope you had a good summer. I'll probably post more often when school starts again. Bye! Bri π

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